
To say or not to say…

Originally posted 2014-03-26 22:19:52.   In this day and age you are judged instantly online the moment you have a brain and speak. You know you have to think before you speak even more than just in front of someone. The lasting effect of it can have a much more adverse effect than one would think. I met a friend about 5 years ago. She knew nothing of us. We were trying to raise money…

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Her Testimony

Originally posted 2015-04-25 01:18:03. This post isn’t about me or anyone in my family. This post is solely for praising her testimony and healing. This is a friend of many years and I just had to share her wonderful news with all of you! LYMPHOMA PATIENT FUNDRAISER (For those of you who have clicked on her fundraiser, I just found out she had deleted it when they docs told her the good news.) PUREROMANCEBYAMYMARIE.COM

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Mindful exhaustion

Originally posted 2015-04-23 19:25:56. For some reason today I feel more exhausted than I have been in past times when I have been bombarded by so many things at once. Maybe it’s just because I have been put in a situation I was never prepared to handle. But when are we ever prepared to have to make decisions like this for our parents? Especially the one parent that was never really a “parent” to you.…

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How to Respond to a Suicidal Friend |

Originally posted 2019-05-28 08:21:23. “How should I respond to a friend who may be suicidal?” Sadly, this is one of the questions we at the REBOOT Alliance are asked most often. Your natural inclination might be to ignore your gut feelings and hope someone with higher “credentials” or training will notice if your friend displays any warning signs. But in our experience, it is often a friend or a family member who is most…

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The weirdest thing?

Originally posted 2020-05-28 17:21:57. Ok, so my BFF, Jess, and I were (what we call) running errands. At least that’s what we tell our husband’s 🤣 We went to Lowe’s home improvement store, twice, just two different stores. Then Home Depot. Walmart, twice (2 different stores). Food Lion, grocery store for those who aren’t familiar with them, 2 of them. Let’s not forget Sam’s Club. While in the second Walmart we went to customer service…

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In awe…

Originally posted 2020-04-12 08:00:10. Have you ever just looked at your spouse and just for a few seconds was in somewhat of a trance? Not because they were doing anything in particular, just because. Just because they are who they are. I sat here yesterday after we got back home just looking at my husband. After losing my mom, my bio father, my nephews he’s thankfully still here. I’m just in awe… Is our relationship…

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