
Blame me, shame me

Originally posted 2014-11-17 20:07:23. We recently had the 72 hour EEG done on Dusty to investigate further just how many seizures he is having, or at least to get a better understanding of some of his random movements. We have wondered for a while now if some of those random movements Dusty makes were muscle spasms or actual seizure activity. We got an answer to some of that this past week. The results of the…

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Letting go

Originally posted 2020-10-01 14:18:57. They letting go of the past that hurt you is good for your soul, your overall happiness…  Well what do you do when you are faced with that past every single minute, hour, day, week, month and year of your life? How do you escape that? How do you grow and learn to cope with something that not only harmed you but the lives of your children?

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Originally posted 2014-07-23 18:00:12. I have only been addicted to one thing in my life (other than my husband), cigarettes. After the last time I was raped in 98′ or 99 (I forget what year it was) someone gave me a cigarette and that was it from there. I had started smoking. Growing up I was always the one against smoking. Always trying to get others around me to stop, especially my mother. I needed…

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Hell No?

This was a draft post from several years ago… There are some things I am struggling with and don’t know how to handle it. My children’s biological father, aka “sperm donor”, has other children. He has 3 other daughters by two othe women. The youngest two daughters have been trying to have a relationship with my kids (well all 3 have but lately it has been more the 2 youngest) For Dusty, being around them…

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Some of the damage can’t be repaired

Originally posted 2014-04-11 12:35:08.   Ah, it’s Friday. This week has been on full blast. With my husband taking a class at a local college to events with the local chapter of Special Olympics…we normally stay busy. But we take it like it is. Some of the abuse I was victim to has had a lasting effect on our lives. Some of which is a daily reminder of what I went through. Even though I have been through…

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Just another day in my life…

Originally posted 2014-03-30 13:02:40. My biological father and my mother divorced when I was two years old.  My father’s side of the family led what seemed to be a privileged life, as least more than the average family. They had those social-lite parties. My grandmother was a RN and my grandfather retired from the Army to work for Goodyear.  I of course wasn’t apart of that lifestyle. My bio’s mother insisted no “cheap store type…

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I just can’t

This morning I woke like any other day, nothing different. My husband gets up and starts getting ready for work like any other day… He was driving our truck to work because I had a doctors appointment today. He goes to start the truck and quiet as a mouse. It wasn’t starting. UGHHHH. But that’s not what this post is about… I get coffee, take some of my morning medications… Dogs get let outside to…

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One of his biggest fans

Originally posted 2014-03-25 18:30:45. He was born August of 93 and she was born November 95 so a little over 2 years apart. All their lives I have been asked, Are they twins? No. Of course not. But their bond is one that I can’t explain. They have been together in even the most traumatic event like the times when child protective services took them away from me on the spot. I remember that like it…

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Not just biased….

Originally posted 2014-03-23 01:43:32. I realize I am a mother and the parent tends to be somewhat biased when it comes to certain things. Today isn’t one of those days. My beautiful, intelligent,  compassionate daughter….. all she wants to do is care for people. Yes she can be a bitch.  But come on what female do you know who is never been a bitch.  Sorry but we can all be that way at times. Furthermore…

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