
Flawless Imperfections

Originally posted 2016-09-20 15:30:14. Turned a page in this  never-ending book of life for us. Whether we are in a better position or not remains to be seen. James had been working in a temporary position at the post office. He’d also been steadily submitting applications for whatever position he thought he may have been qualified for.  Several months ago he was offered a term position (it’s kind of like a temporary position but for some there is…

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Stitches, flat tires and birthday cake

Originally posted 2015-08-27 02:24:52. Have you ever been in one of those periods where you really just want to disconnect from the world around you and just immerse yourself in your own little bubble? Yeah, well that is kind of where I have been this past several, several weeks. Dealing with my husband and his “service connected issues” to Dusty and well all that comes with him, trying to get his seizures controlled enough to…

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Originally posted 2018-10-01 16:56:30. If you know anything about diabetes these are numbers that you love to hit! A1C 5.5 I was so excited! I didn’t think I’d hit anything close considering this past few weeks since the hurricane have been hard to not eat things you “shouldn’t”. Cool! Just had to share a bit of good news. In other news, I am so tired. Just want to sleep. Good night 😏

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Circuits Overload

Originally posted 2019-05-22 11:23:54. This was a post from 2016 that never got published lol Have you ever felt as if your circuit board is on overload? Like the wires, connections in your body’s circuit board is on overload and at risk of burning out? Well that is where I am this week. James’s been at home because the employer he was working for did not get awarded the next contract for the job. So,…

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How’s your immunity?

Originally posted 2019-05-20 12:29:58. In light of the increase in measles cases we needed to see how good our defenses were. So,off we went to see the doc to get the blood drawn. Look at that boy’s veins! Looks like the tree of life, lol!! We will know soon whether we need to get a booster or not. We can’t afford for Dusty to contract the measles. Salmonella caused brain damage not to mention the…

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When you keep forgetting

Originally posted 2019-04-15 16:33:56. I feel like this post should have Michael McDonald’s song I Keep Forgetting as my theme song. My husband kept bugging me about forgetting my meds. So… time to get serious. On a side note my A1C, from 5.5 to 6.1 – and the scale accompanied by 4. My diabetes doc still considers me as a controlled diabetic. Oh well… ‍ I have not been taking the prevagen like I should…

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Under the weather

Originally posted 2020-03-17 21:09:26. I’m a little bit under the weather. Low grade fever and little runny nose/post nasal drip. I’ve notified my doctor. They will monitor my situation. I am to remain at home. My biggest issue is my son. Normally the moment someone in our house gets sick it is a given he gets it. So fingers crossed this is just allergies or a cold or something minimal. I do not meet criteria…

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Have you ever?

Originally posted 2018-06-01 13:58:52. So, I somehow screw up my days. I had an appointment with my endocrinologist for my diabetes. I thought it was this morning. It normally takes my about an hour and 15 or so minutes to get there. Well this morning my appointment was at 8:30am. I had to give myself extra time to get there because I had to go through morning traffic – which included traffic going onto 3…

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Originally posted 2020-03-04 18:02:36. I went to my endocrinologist appointment the other day. I hadn’t seen him in over 6 months as my last appointment we were in Missouri for my nephews memorial. LOL Lost 3 pounds… Whoo Hooo! LOL. ( hear my sarcasm?) Then they do their normal blood work. Cholesterol… well… I need to lower them. The doctor ordered a fibroscan. I had never had one before so didn’t know what to expect.…

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