
Tell me why…

Originally posted 2022-01-05 11:27:16. On the preoperative call yesterday with surgery center nurse. She was going through the normal questions they ask for surgery preop. Stroke/mini-strokes came up. I told her I have had 9 mini-strokes and 1 stroke. She started asking me who my cardiologist was. I told her I didn’t remember as I hadn’t seen one in years. I told her where and when my last mini-stroke and stroke was. She asked me…

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3 Days

Fun times… I have body jewelry the next 3 days. At this point the doc is blaming it on Covid. I saw the cardiology doc this morning for first appointment. They did the normal EKG etc. My heart rate was high but we already knew it was running higher prior to this appointment. Now, I have scheduled 2 more testing appointments for the heart on top of this device below. The thing on my chest…

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Highs and Lows

As you may recall we all got covid after our grandbaby (the 2nd one) was born. For the most part we have recovered, well it seems that way. Still wearing a mask when we go somewhere though. The other day I had a routine diabetes appointment. My blood pressure was on the higher side but my heartrate was even higher. My diabetes doc was tempted to do an EKG but my rhythm was fine just…

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