Dogs Family


JOIN THE CUDDLY CLUB AND HELP INJURED ANIMALS!! So if you have been following me for a while you may remember I had been waiting for Chewy’s next surgery to get scheduled. I do not know what the problem was at the place I had been taking him, which was the one that had done every other surgery on Chewy. Now the previous vet office is supposed to send the money that remained in his…

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Suprised blessings

Originally posted 2018-12-20 11:47:42. As you know Chewy had to have surgery and I started the GoFundMe for the surgery. Well let me tell you what happened. We go the day of surgery and get ready to pay at least $1200, I hand the lady my card and then she gives it back to me. She informed James and I that someone had donated $2,000 on his account. I started balling my eyes out and…

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Blessed times 3

Originally posted 2017-01-03 17:21:17. Within the span of the past month and some change it seems it has been non-stop around here. The newest pup, Chewy had his surgery in November to reconstruct his knee/leg in order to stabilize his kneecap. It kept sliding off to the side of his leg and then back to the front. It was seemed to be going ok several weeks after. Other than the fact I had to keep…

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What the… knee?

Originally posted 2019-08-30 07:35:48. Ughh… what’s the deal with knees in this house?!  Chewy’s other leg/knee had something shift yesterday. I think it’s possibly the metal pin in there because it is common for the pins to dislodge. His other leg/knee did the same thing just pushed way out,almost pushing through the skin. Since it’s not pushing through the skin and he is still walking semi-normal we have an appointment Tuesday. Let’s hope it stays…

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