
June 8 2014

Originally posted 2014-06-08 17:29:26. It is Sunday morning here in the Carter home. Daughter volunteered at a disabled/special needs baseball game on Saturday and well the rest of us were at home. We took the opportunity to literally do nothing. But that also means since nothing was done yesterday it has to be done today. Bad thing is this pale skin Irish girl will have to do some serious covering up when I go outside…

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Stuck in limbo status

Originally posted 2014-06-03 13:47:39. Finally! I have someone going to bat for me. Thank Goodness because this is getting so frustrating. Plus when you get bills for $1900.00 for a hospital visit that resulted in nothing for you it gets even more frustrating. One of them has already gone into collections but what do you do? They call me and say they need a certain amount for it to be a payment arrangement but I…

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New journey ahead

Originally posted 2014-05-29 16:26:26. A new journey awaits. My husband finished his CDL class and is officially a licensed commercial driver, well at least on paper. He just needs to find the right job/company. We live in NC so hopefully he can find one he likes and can help him adjust to civilian life. He has only been out of the Marine Corps for one year and it hasn’t been the easiest of transitions. The…

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When we needed each other

Originally posted 2014-04-21 14:57:42.         My husband and I met online. Funny thing is I messaged him asking him if he was even old enough to be on the site. He did not look old enough at all. We hit it off. I was living about 3 hours away from him. He was in the Marine Corps at the time. Somehow he managed to come see me nearly every weekend. With the…

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Why is the VA claims processed so long, complicated and unfair?

My husband is one of many having to deal with the long drawn out process of filing claims through the VA. I am not understanding why it takes so long for them to process these claims efficiently and fair to the veteran. I realize they have had to try and save funds money but it shouldn’t be on the backs of the ones that put their lives on the line. I have seen a lot…

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