
Suicide Prevention, Intervention & Postvention

Originally posted 2019-08-11 18:47:48. COURSES FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION, INTERVENTION & POSTVENTION Addressing Mental Health Stigma Is The First Step Toward Saving A Life With generous funding from the NFL Foundation, 15 courses are being developed over a two-year grant period to provide vital education and information about Suicide Prevention, Intervention, & Postvention. In May of 2019, PsychArmor® released two courses based on research and resources from the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). Subject matter expert…

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Blame me, shame me

Originally posted 2014-11-17 20:07:23. We recently had the 72 hour EEG done on Dusty to investigate further just how many seizures he is having, or at least to get a better understanding of some of his random movements. We have wondered for a while now if some of those random movements Dusty makes were muscle spasms or actual seizure activity. We got an answer to some of that this past week. The results of the…

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Originally posted 2017-07-07 13:53:30. I thought I’d share this with those who may be unaware of what it may feel like to contemplate suicide. You may never know the full extent of someone’s feelings. What It’s Like To Be Suicidal (For People Who’ve Never Felt Like This)  

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How to Respond to a Suicidal Friend |

Originally posted 2019-05-28 08:21:23. “How should I respond to a friend who may be suicidal?” Sadly, this is one of the questions we at the REBOOT Alliance are asked most often. Your natural inclination might be to ignore your gut feelings and hope someone with higher “credentials” or training will notice if your friend displays any warning signs. But in our experience, it is often a friend or a family member who is most…

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Posttraumatic Growth After Loss

Originally posted 2020-05-21 19:33:19. Enroll in our newest course, “Posttraumatic Growth After Loss,” which covers Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)‘s Suicide Postvention Model. Check out the article from narrator Dr. Shauna Springer, where she shares the four pillars for building a strong plan of support for trauma survivors so posttraumatic growth can take place. Course: Four Pillars:

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Originally posted 2017-06-28 10:58:14. I was watching an old episode of the TV series MASH this morning and Alan Alda’s character was main focus.  They thought he had come down with something and they were trying to investigate just what it could be.  Alan’s character kept sneezing and itching. They gave him Benadryl and had him pretty much on bed rest. Since his character was a doctor they went through the belongings of service members…

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