
Warranted Explanations

Originally posted 2015-05-06 22:53:15. First off, my bio situation sort of went in a totally different direction than expected. Just a couple of weeks ago I had gone to visit him a few times that week. On that Thursday there was a meeting with the facility social worker. Myself and the “girlfriend” were in attendance along with speech therapy, physical therapy, social worker and nurse. We spoke about his current condition and the fact that…

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Dreary Day

It would happen to rain three straight days. I went to both my pre-op appointments on Friday and found out that someone mistakenly told me I could continue to take the naproxen and aspirin. I smell like eucalyptus lol. I have used my cbd muscle rub alot more today. I knew something didn’t seem right about that. I have never had anyone tell me that I could take them prior to surgery. My surgeon is…

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Not again

Being my next surgery is May 31st I just need a little break. Now Saoirse needs to try and rest the “good” back leg since that leg takes the brunt of her weight in the back. Now we have been questioning whether we should have went ahead and had that bad leg amputated in the beginning. Is she going to be one of those dogs you see running over people’s feet with their wheelchair? They…

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