
Not just a title

Originally posted 2022-10-11 10:54:58. Over the past 5 days we had our grandbabies. I was so overjoyed to get them! I can’t believe I am a grandparent, grandmother, grandma, whatever you want to call me. But I have one problem with that title. I don’t feel like I should be called a grandmother. You see my momma was a grandma, who my daughter called grams. My momma was such a wonder grandmother. You seen some…

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How can I?

Originally posted 2019-07-19 19:59:13. It’s been a little over a year since my momma’s passing. I haven’t been back to my momma’s house since. I have kept this in and I need to let it out. It is literally killing me. My life is spent living it day by day, minute by minute. Living my life one breath at a time waiting for the next big thing. First my bio father, then my mom. But…I…

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I shoulder the pain

Originally posted 2019-07-07 09:05:19. I woke up this morning feeling lost, missing my momma. I know my bio father wasn’t really a father to me but losing him I feel I also lost a part of me as well. Then, to make matters worse…. I lost the man that was my “father”. Not by death… I guess you’d say by choice. My heart hurts because I felt betrayed. I don’t know how to get past…

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What to say…

Originally posted 2020-08-16 18:39:26. My momma’s death has taken an even bigger toll on Dusty. He would always get at the very least a phone call and a card from my momma and my step father.He hasn’t even gotten a call or anything from my step father since my momma passed June 21, 2018. He just turned 27yrs old. He may be autistic but he has feelings too and they don’t understand why he hasn’t…

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Last Words…

Originally posted 2019-12-13 23:22:51. I’m laying here in bed at quarter after 11 freaking out because I can’t remember my momma’s last words to me. 😥😥😥 I need to sleep but keep trying to recall them. I know it’s only been a year and a half but I am scared I will lose all memory of my momma. I can’t hear her voice in my head and it hurts me to my heart….❤❤❤

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