
A Woman of Heart

Originally posted 2015-03-24 22:41:33. As I sit here I am overcome with different emotions as to what I have been dealing with the past week. I feel like I am in a made for television movie of Lifetime or some other channel. The picture below is a picture of my biological father. I was contacted last Tuesday by his friend/girlfriend informing me of his condition. He had already been in one facility and was transferred…

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Early Morning Emergency

Originally posted 2021-08-06 15:28:02. Early yesterday morning I woke to my husband wailing in pain. He said it hurt in his upper abdomen. Every few minutes the sounds of gagging almost throwing up became constant. My husband isn’t the “I’m in pain” type. He is normally the “I’m good” type. He asked me if we had any pepto-bismol, which we did. We got it out got a spoon and he took some. We waited. He…

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