
Without a cure

Originally posted 2017-04-25 23:43:23. As a diabetic you end up dealing with things that are embarrassing to even show family members.  I have debated talking about this because it truly is embarrassing. I have found that it isn’t just associated with diabetes. But I felt if I talked about it there may be something someone has found helpful or someone else may have found something I post helpful. So here goes. Boils, cysts, furuncles, acne….I…

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Butt Burn

Originally posted 2021-09-29 13:13:24. Ok, today I had my 2nd session of the laser hair removal on my under arms/armpits. Not bad at all. It doesn’t feel bad. Now in all fairness my hair under my arm is already thin so I am not sure how it would be for someone that has more coarse hair than I do. Today I had my first session of what she called bikini not brazilin because she didn’t…

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Consult for Laser Therapy

Originally posted 2021-08-26 09:00:00. I had a physical done this morning with my primary doctor. I brought up the issue of repeated …dare I say…boils. I hate these f’n things with a passion. I suffer from Hidradenitis suppurativa and some days the flair ups are worse than others. I do not shave and in full disclosure I have to use tweezers to pull any unwanted hair to help prevent any boils in that hair follicle.…

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This is awesome!

For folks like Dusty and myself this can be a game changer. I couldn’t tell you how many times we have had to take antibiotics. Probably TOO MANY. Even know I have to take them numerous times a year either from my sinuses or from effects of hidradenitis suppurativa. Always having to use the hibiclens – the antimicrobial body wash i spoke about in this post.

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