
All Buttered Up

Yesterday was one of those days that you just want it to hurry up and be over. I took Chewy out so many times I ended up with over 10,000 steps being accumulated. I knew he needed to poop but every time I took him out something distracted him and then he seemed to forget he had to poop. Was yesterday a full moon or something? Or was it something in the air that just…

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This is ridiculous. Less than 2 yrs ago we were paying around 40 bucks for this. We just came from the the our local farm/feed store and the prices have ballooned tremendously!!! Then we were told they have been trying to purchase more but have been unable to. What The Fuck! Not to mention my daughter calls me yesterday to ask us to look for our grandbaby’s formula because she hasn’t been able to find…

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