
Ketamine Infusions Show Growing Promise for Treating Anxiety and Depression

Originally posted 2022-09-20 09:16:38. I didn’t do ketamine for these things but have seen a noticeable difference. If you have never tried it and you get the opportunity to, do it. Growing body of studies indicate ketamine treatment for mental health could become more widely accessible in the coming years. Ketamine, a substance traditionally used as an anesthetic, has been found to be beneficial for treating mental health issues including depression and anxiety. A new study published…

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I’ll admit

Originally posted 2018-08-29 14:18:59. I have been in a slump since my momma passed away. I know I still have alot to be thankful for but I feel like I have lost my will to carry on. Now don’t mistake that for me being suicidal, because I am not. I just don’t have the same – umph – per say to live like I did before. Does that makes sense? I quit… just literally abandoned…

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Originally posted 2017-07-07 13:53:30. I thought I’d share this with those who may be unaware of what it may feel like to contemplate suicide. You may never know the full extent of someone’s feelings. What It’s Like To Be Suicidal (For People Who’ve Never Felt Like This)  

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Comfortably Numb

Originally posted 2020-02-29 08:32:10. This is where I am right now. As much as I smile to hide through the pain this is me. I will admit it. It’s like I am almost not even feeling things the way I would normally. Am I depressed? Maybe so. I am not suicidal even though I will admit that after my momma’s passing all I wanted to do was be with her. The moment she passed I…

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What is Cryotherapy

Originally posted 2019-02-06 14:00:18. Looking like something fresh out of an ’80s sci-fi flick, cryotherapy is the latest craze to hit the mainstream. Used by athletes and celebrities looking for their next holistic fix, the high tech treatment is said to be more than just a gimmick. According to its regular users, freezing yourself for several minutes can aid muscle regeneration, boost your immune system and rejuvenate your skin. But what exactly is it? And…

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Film Friday – What Dreams May Come

Originally posted 2020-01-10 10:48:30. THIS MOVIE HITS SO CLOSE TO HOME Have you ever see the movie, What Dreams May Come? I was scanning through the tv channels looking for a movie or show to watch this morning and came across it. I have seen it before but for some reason this morning it took a more personal meaning. I worry about my family. Not saying this is their reality I just don’t want it…

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Reminding Myself

Originally posted 2021-04-16 09:00:00. I saw this meme this morning and it was so right! Over the years I was searching for love. It seemed I was so desperate to find love I was taking whatever came my way. I would “love” them (or pretend to) way more than they ever deserved from me. I didn’t love them, I loved the idea of what I thought was love. I wanted so much to be loved…

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