
Study: Memories of music cannot be lost to Alzheimer’s and dementia

Originally posted 2020-12-14 08:30:28. The part of your brain responsible for ASMR catalogs music, and appears to be a stronghold against Alzheimer’s and dementia. Some music inspires you to move your feet, some inspires you to get out there and change the world. In any case, and to move hurriedly on to the point of this article, it’s fair to say that music moves people in special ways.  If you’re especially into a piece of…

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The month of blur

Originally posted 2017-12-05 14:09:25. This past month has seriously been a blur. It’s been a little more than a month when I think about it. If you go back to October when I had my mini-stroke so that’s almost 2 months. Geez… Biological father passed away on November 14th. Dusty and I had gotten up early that morning to make the trip to see him when the so-called girlfriend called me to tell me he…

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Originally posted 2017-11-28 00:39:00. My husband took this picture of my biological father and I while I was talking to him, letting him know that I was there with him. The morning he passed away Dusty and I were getting ready to make the 2 hour (one-way) trip to see him. I was told he passed at 4:20 in the morning on November 14th 2017. At least he’s able to be with my grandparents and…

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Is this near the end?

Originally posted 2017-11-17 10:06:19. I got a phone call from my bio father’s “girlfriend” just a bit ago. He has been in the hospital for several weeks now. It seems last night he took a turn for the worse. He stopped wanting to eat ~ even if being fed. They are considering a feeding tube. He spiked a fever of 102 and feel that he may have a touch of pneumonia. So they have started…

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NAD for Neuro- Regeneration

Originally posted 2021-09-10 09:00:00. I recently got a B12 injection at a local medspa. In the check-in process I spoke with a provider via videochat. He asked me why I was interested in getting a B12 injection. I told him I have had 9 mini-strokes and 1 stroke. I have suffered memory loss as well as frustration when I do simple tasks (at times). I have read in my research that when someone is in…

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Why does it hurt

Originally posted 2019-02-16 18:29:30. Can someone explain to me why this hurts so freaking much?! I watched the man who I share his DNA, who may not have been a father but he was my father. Then 7 months or so later have to watch my mother, the woman who brought me into this world, carried my through this world in so many different ways. Who I miss more than life itself. I want to…

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