
Watching and Waiting

Originally posted 2018-04-02 11:52:26. This is an old post I never published and thought what the heck, post it…. As you will read this is before the passing of my bio father.  This was May 19, 2015 ( 2 months to the day my bio father v-fibbed) Some days are not the easiest to get through and then others are a breeze. This past couple of weeks have been a mixture. From having to have…

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Update on bio father

Originally posted 2015-10-29 13:44:42. I think we all have a bit of “crazy” at times. Some more than others. I feel like it’s an overage of emotion, emotional outbursts. If someone remained level-headed their entire life, not once having a spike of emotion, then are the ones we need to look out for. But that is just one persons opinion. Call me crazy, call me what you want. Do you know how incredibly easy it…

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Why do alcoholics try to gaslight those around them? Why can’t they admit they have an issue? Why do they have to have a near death experience before they see anything remotely close to seeing they have a problem? When those who love them are seeing all they are doing and they could give 2 shits. They just care about that fucking bottle! WHY?!!!!!!! Someone please! I need to understand. I have watched my biological…

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The month of blur

Originally posted 2017-12-05 14:09:25. This past month has seriously been a blur. It’s been a little more than a month when I think about it. If you go back to October when I had my mini-stroke so that’s almost 2 months. Geez… Biological father passed away on November 14th. Dusty and I had gotten up early that morning to make the trip to see him when the so-called girlfriend called me to tell me he…

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