
The Crapper

This week has been weird when it comes to bathroom visits.

After my doctor’s appointment on Tuesday we went around the corner to a small restaurant to get something to eat before our ride home.

I had to use the bathroom so I try my best using my walker to get to the bathroom.

I do my thing and then attempt to wash my hands.

After I wash my hands somehow the sink comes off the wall and ends up in my hands.

So I’m standing there on one foot attemping to balance myself while I have this sink in my hands.

The sink was attached to the wall by the pipe/lines only and then my hands of course lol.

As I’m standing there I and thinking like wtf am I supposed to do.

I can’t really do anything because I am only on one foot.

I look at the wall and see little metal lip and lifted the sink up and try and rest the sink on these little metal lips on the wall.

Then I hurried my one foot/leg ass up hobbling as fast as I could out the bathroom and then catch up to a server and tell them about the sink.

She turned around to someone else and told them that “it happened” so they knew it was an issue and thankfully I didn’t break it LMAO!

Then yesterday…. I got stung in a port-o-potty …

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