
Sexy Survivor

Originally posted 2020-06-25 09:00:00. One out of three women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during her lifetime. Undoubtedly, surviving cancer will often change a woman’s personal outlook on life. After surgery, radiation or other medical treatments— just when it’s time to start enjoying life to its fullest again, sexually speaking— the majority of women may face a drained mojo or sexual desire. Some women will develop a lack of sexual confidence and…

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I just can’t

This morning I woke like any other day, nothing different. My husband gets up and starts getting ready for work like any other day… He was driving our truck to work because I had a doctors appointment today. He goes to start the truck and quiet as a mouse. It wasn’t starting. UGHHHH. But that’s not what this post is about… I get coffee, take some of my morning medications… Dogs get let outside to…

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An invitation to our lives

Originally posted 2014-03-18 17:34:02.   So here it is. The start, the beginning. Although I am a bit unsure how to do this so bear with me. I have been told on several occasions that I ought to ”write a book” about our lives. I am not beyond sharing our story I just don’t want the ”wrong” attention. You have people who are always going to be the skeptic, the non-believer, the supporter, etc…well I…

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