
Rude Awakening

Originally posted 2023-01-12 09:30:37. This morning we were abruptly woken up by the dogs fighting for some reason. Now, Max, our eldest dog is approximately 16 years old. At least that is what we have estimated it at. Our daughter found him in 2007 and they estimated his age at around 6 months then. James and I have been together (as of June of this year) 16 years. So we always go off our anniversary…

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Is this vengeance?

Yesterday’s physical therapy was a little tougher than other sessions. More specific… they had me picking up little pegs with my feet/ toes and putting them in a pan. That was alot f’n harder than I thought it would be. I had done marbles with my feet but this… this was on a whole other level. I asked the therapist about the numbness that’s still there. He mentioned that when some of it comes back…

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Update on bio father

Originally posted 2015-10-29 13:44:42. I think we all have a bit of “crazy” at times. Some more than others. I feel like it’s an overage of emotion, emotional outbursts. If someone remained level-headed their entire life, not once having a spike of emotion, then are the ones we need to look out for. But that is just one persons opinion. Call me crazy, call me what you want. Do you know how incredibly easy it…

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