
Mental Memory, Physical Moments

Originally posted 2016-11-14 13:33:22. My husband and I were talking the other day about the things in my past. He has expressed on more than one occasion that if he could he would somehow erase, get rid of, the people or events that have left such a lasting effect on my mind, body, and soul. Those things that have left me forever scarred and in some aspects unable to return to my former self. Well,…

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The rush

Originally posted 2022-11-03 07:56:28. I woke up this morning like any other morning feeling the need for coffee. But the rush wasn’t from coffee. I started watching this documentary called Killer Sally. She was in an abusive relationship where from the outside no one knew. No one suspected outside of one person she confided in. The man was likeable. She did everything she good to try and please him according to her words. He would…

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Not so easily triggered

Originally posted 2019-10-18 07:20:50. You know I feel for folks who have gone through trauma but I am not the one that is so easily triggered by things. I don’t know if I have just become so numb to things and that’s why I don’t get ”triggered” by things or not. I can watch things on tv and some things may get my heart racing a little or I get a little anxious but I…

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Originally posted 2019-09-24 13:41:44. You know it’s been 20 plus years since I was raped by someone I thought was a friend. To this day, nothing. Rape kit as far as I know backlogged. I wouldn’t know what to so if they finally tested, prosecuted, etc. #Unbelievable @netflix — Carter Family (@usmccarterswife) September 24, 2019 Watch the trailer for the Limited Series here.

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Rape and Alcohol

Originally posted 2015-07-08 17:54:46.     Two of the times I have been raped I was under the influence of alcohol. Because of the things I have gone through in my life, the lives of my family members and close friends I am really just not the type of person that drinks like that. Yes, I am Irish so the typical Irishmen are drinkers theory hangs over my head. The first rape was because that…

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If the same, I feel the same

Originally posted 2022-07-14 12:21:35. I read an article about a guy who’s an alleged serial rapist. One of the cases is a much older case. The woman chose not to go forward with the charges. I always wonder what would happen if this were the case for me. One of my rapists I am pretty sure is dead given his age at the time and how many years that have passed. The one I am…

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This is so true!

Originally posted 2021-10-18 10:00:43. You know this is so true! I have had to swallow this quite a few times. From the rape charges not going anywhere, to the domestic violence protection orders expecting them to actually protect you…. I have wondered way too many times why that “justice” never came. I guess I’ll never really know. It’s one of those things that stays in the back of my mind but I have learned to…

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Originally posted 2014-07-23 18:00:12. I have only been addicted to one thing in my life (other than my husband), cigarettes. After the last time I was raped in 98′ or 99 (I forget what year it was) someone gave me a cigarette and that was it from there. I had started smoking. Growing up I was always the one against smoking. Always trying to get others around me to stop, especially my mother. I needed…

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A passion for helping others

Originally posted 2014-08-11 01:49:08. Here it is on a Sunday evening and I am sitting here watching my husband sleep. Which I am ok with. He is trying to struggle with his current job to try to transition from years in the Marine Corps to now transition to driving CDL (commercial driving) for a living. I recently had a big explosion of feelings return to me after speaking to my biological father on the phone.…

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