
Scar Tissue

Originally posted 2020-11-16 09:00:17. Since I haven’t been able to get an appointment with my favorite massage therapist since the beginning of 2020 I had to find something to help. I won this Wonder Maxi massage gun in one of Adoption First Animal Rescue’s fundraising raffles. I started working on areas that never seem to get enough time. My midsection, my stomach. I have had so many surgeries and alot of them have been in my…

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This was a first

Originally posted 2019-06-07 13:35:08. Want to hear something funny? Ok… so after we left Saoirse’s veterinary appointment yesterday I stopped by one of my local grocery stores. I ran in the store to grab a few things like me some Cheerios and Dusty bread, burritos, poptarts and good Lord this kid can eat. I was checking out and needed to grab a bigger cart so I could fit all those last minute items in a…

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