
How do you preserve something that isn’t there?

Originally posted 2016-04-23 20:30:06. Over the last 10 plus years or so I have been taking pictures in fear I won’t be able to remember things, even the most miniscule of memories. Unfortunately with a multitude of pictures comes the need for the storage. Luckily as technology has advanced we have gotten better storage capabilities for our quality images that we want to be able to see 10 years for now. Well in my case…

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Forgotten kisses

Originally posted 2016-02-17 16:49:14. There are a lot of missing pieces of the puzzle of my life.One particular time, the day I married James. We were sitting here the other night talking about different things as we normally do and then he got on the subject of our wedding day. I remember very little about that day. I remember we were married at the courthouse and two of his fellow Marines were the witnesses, along with…

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Medical history short stories

Originally posted 2017-08-24 10:44:51. Don’t you hate it when you get your average medical history form and you’re instructed to list your surgeries and hospitalizations and you don’t have enough room to list the things up until your 20’s…mind you you are currently 44 years old. My husband just says to write small, lol. I’ve had around 22 (wait 23) surgeries at this point so listing them is one thing. Trying to remember them all…

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