
Past turn Present

Originally posted 2015-05-25 03:18:28. Happy Memorial Day to everyone, even if you aren’t military affiliated or know the true meaning behind it I wish you the best. The past few days for me have been a bit unnerving not just for me but for my family as well. You see on Thursday I had court on Thursday for the ticket from the trailer. We finally were about to get it registered but not without a…

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Under the weather

Originally posted 2020-03-17 21:09:26. I’m a little bit under the weather. Low grade fever and little runny nose/post nasal drip. I’ve notified my doctor. They will monitor my situation. I am to remain at home. My biggest issue is my son. Normally the moment someone in our house gets sick it is a given he gets it. So fingers crossed this is just allergies or a cold or something minimal. I do not meet criteria…

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