
Sunday’s Confession

Originally posted 2020-11-29 09:34:18. It hurts to visit my grandbaby. It hurts to see her, hear her when my daughter calls me via video. I had previously planned to visit yesterday but my heart had other plans. My momma should’ve been here. I know they say she’s here in spirit but it’s not the same. All I can do is think of my momma when we see her. There are still days when I want…

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There are words…

Originally posted 2020-03-20 21:26:45. There are words in my heart and mind that are desperately trying to get out. The news I learned today was supposed to be an extremely joyous one, truth is, it’s not. I suddenly felt this overwhelming feeling come over me, a feeling I can’t explain. It was sadness, grief, anger, and desperation. I feel so lost.I don’t know what to do… 😪😪😪

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Differences Don’t = Divide

Originally posted 2019-10-26 11:00:00. My vent… I wish there wasn’t such a divide in our current climate. We are all different, will never fully agree with one another. But focusing on the things we do agree on should be the one thing that keeps us together. I do not understand how humanity is killing normal civil friendships. Don’t you have friends you don’t agree with on everything? Does it stop you from being their friend?…

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