
Malignant or Benign

Originally posted 2017-03-22 16:14:59. I had the ultrasound of my neck done earlier in March. We had to go to Tampa Florida last Thursday for my husband’s grandmothers funeral. We got back on Monday, picked up the dogs at the kennel and then I called the doctor’s office to see if they had gotten the results in from the ultrasound. They then tell me that the doctor wanted to see me and when is the…

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Originally posted 2017-12-11 12:29:22. My mother went to the emergency room a couple of days ago because of excessive nose bleeding. They had to have her see an ENT/ (ear,nose,and throat doctor). Thankful she did as the doctor found a growth the size of a grape between her nose and sinus cavity. They cauterized the area that kept oozing blood and scheduled surgery for Tuesday. They aren’t sure if malignant or benign and will biopsy…

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Tell me why…

Originally posted 2022-01-05 11:27:16. On the preoperative call yesterday with surgery center nurse. She was going through the normal questions they ask for surgery preop. Stroke/mini-strokes came up. I told her I have had 9 mini-strokes and 1 stroke. She started asking me who my cardiologist was. I told her I didn’t remember as I hadn’t seen one in years. I told her where and when my last mini-stroke and stroke was. She asked me…

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Originally posted 2021-09-18 09:00:22. The past month has been a bunch of repeats. Over and over I go. It’s been my husband, myself, my son, my best friend and the dogs. Each of us has had at least one appointment. To tell you the truth it has been more than just one. From my laser hair removal to massage therapy. To pain management to ear, nose, and throat specialist. Then our normal primary doctor’s appointments.…

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Is it or is it not?

Originally posted 2021-06-07 16:39:09. I have an appointment in the morning for the results of my sinus ct scan! Wish me luck! Now if they would hurry up with the ct scan of my pelvic/abdominal area… They found some spots when they did my ultrasound so the doc sent out for ct scan. Just waiting for them to call and set up the appointment for that. I feel like I’m gonna glow by the time…

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