
Veteran Unemployment, It’s not just applications and interviews

Originally posted 2016-06-29 19:07:38. Veteran Unemployment, It’s not just applications and interviews Don’t get me wrong, being unemployed sucks no matter if you are a veteran or not but veterans being unemployed comes with a different set of playing cards. They possess a different set of skills that aren’t understood by those in the private sector unless they’ve been there themselves or related in someway. They earned skills not easily attainable, skills no private sector job…

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That was close

Originally posted 2014-10-23 15:51:42. This morning my husband went to get his motorcycle riding gloves to prepare to leave for work. I hear him ask me to come here. I get up and see what he needs. He asks me, “Is that a black widow spider?” I state first off that I thought it was. Then I proceed to get my phone to take a picture and ask a few people if what they thought…

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Dealing with everyday life

Originally posted 2014-04-18 10:58:58. Since my son and I both have multiple health issues it can make some of the seemingly most easiest things turn into something more challenging. Recently having had to explain myself to my biological father as to why I don’t have a full-time job. Without someone else understanding what exactly we are diagnosed with and what each one entails, they cannot fully understand the concept of living like we do. He…

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