
Adrenaline dump

Yesterday was a roller coaster. The morning started like any other Fire Dept coffee, Peter Thomas Roth patches, shilajit honey sticks. My niece came over early since she was going with me and Dusty to my appointments. I made them cinnamon rolls for breakfast, then took a shower and got ready. We left to go to my physical therapy appointment. They sat in their employee break room at their table so they could watch a…

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Hanging in there, how about you?

Originally posted 2020-07-15 09:00:00. We are hanging in there during this COVID 19, coronavirus, social distancing, start of summer 2020. How about you? I have been trying to social distance from social media in some ways just because there is so much drama that I literally end up with a headache, daily. So I had to back away…slowly. I have been glad to be able to spend time with my bff and family since they…

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SWAT Affirmations

It’s a lazy overcast Sunday afternoon. I can’t seem to keep my eyes open from being so exhausted. I guess going through menopause isn’t something for those of us that have things to do lol. So I find something new to watch on the ole boob tube. I started watching SWAT with Shemar Moore the other day. Yes, I know it isn’t exactly a new show. I spend alot of time working on my computer…

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Just one of those days…

Originally posted 2021-07-14 21:15:05. Yesterday evening I broke on of my back (upper molars). This happens after business hours 🤦🏼‍♀️ Today I have a medical procedure already scheduled. So my day started like this… 6:30am ☀️ “The Rooster Crows” The White Pit Bull Bowie, who also seems to think he’s a rooster and starts howling when the sun comes up… From 6:30 til 7ish Bowie is walking around aimlessly. 7ish “The Coercion” Bowie is coerced…

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Free Me Friday

Originally posted 2019-01-25 10:35:33. There comes a time in life when u walk away from all the drama and people who create it. U surround yourself with people who make you laugh; forget the bad, and focus on good. So, love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of LIFE, getting back up is LIVING ~

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