
What the… knee?

Originally posted 2019-08-30 07:35:48. Ughh… what’s the deal with knees in this house?!  Chewy’s other leg/knee had something shift yesterday. I think it’s possibly the metal pin in there because it is common for the pins to dislodge. His other leg/knee did the same thing just pushed way out,almost pushing through the skin. Since it’s not pushing through the skin and he is still walking semi-normal we have an appointment Tuesday. Let’s hope it stays…

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Dogs Family

New Toys

Originally posted 2019-08-23 09:45:31. I purchased a new toy for the house. The main reason was to have something to play calming music at night for Saoirse. She has so much energy that sometimes nighttime isn’t as calm as it should be. I have been playing this calming music for dogs I found on Amazon music. We have been leaving the tv on at night since we played it through our firestick. We would leave…

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