
There is a reason we are here, just not sure yet why.

Originally posted 2014-05-01 16:47:33. Have you ever wondered why you go through certain things in your life? Why you may suffer from events, diseases, or whatever you have gone through? Yeah, me too. As I have reached my fourth decade of life I look back and take accountability of the things that have gotten me here. I look at the things both of my children have had to go through being biracial, to the illnesses,…

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What’s my size? ME

Originally posted 2014-04-25 20:01:32. I have dealt with weight issues since I was a wee little girl. Growing up in the south in the 70’s…I mean food is food. You were told to eat your food and you ate it. But the times were different. My grandparents especially my father’s mom, having lived through the great depression had 5 deep freezers…FIVE..slam packed full of stuff. I remember after high school I went to visit her.…

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Dealing with everyday life

Originally posted 2014-04-18 10:58:58. Since my son and I both have multiple health issues it can make some of the seemingly most easiest things turn into something more challenging. Recently having had to explain myself to my biological father as to why I don’t have a full-time job. Without someone else understanding what exactly we are diagnosed with and what each one entails, they cannot fully understand the concept of living like we do. He…

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