
My Boy

Originally posted 2020-12-01 11:30:17. My husband sent me a text last night while he was at work. It was just a screenshot image of a song he had listened to. If you are able to listen to it, do it. If you are a step-parent or have a step-parent you will get the song. Needless to say it left me in happy tears.

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What do you think?

Originally posted 2021-03-16 09:00:00. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Carter Family (@jadkmcdc_carterfamily) So, what do you think? Do you think my grandbaby looks like her momma? My daughter surprised me on my birthday with a visit from her and my grandbaby! I was so excited I took pictures as she already had the baby back in the car, lol. Oh well… at least we spent time together!

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What would you do?

Originally posted 2019-09-25 19:29:23. Someone pulled on side of road next to my house while Dusty was outside with Saoirse. A friend that lives in our neighborhood, Elizabeth, called me as she passed them.  The person walked up to Dusty. I run outside and tell Dusty to come here.I ask him what the person said to him. He said the guy asked him if he wanted poop bags for the dog. I know it may…

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Microcephaly, is it what you don’t know what you fear the most?

Originally posted 2016-02-01 13:43:35. As most may know this has been in the news a lot lately. What some of you may not know is that my son was also born with microcephaly. Yes, I admit when I was young I didn’t know what to expect with my child having this. I opted to give him up for adoption. Ultimately, I decided to raise my son the best way I knew how. He wasn’t diagnosed…

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