
Killing time

Originally posted 2019-07-22 19:00:34. With it being so hot we found something for Dusty to do to stay busy. Plus an added benefit working on fine motor skills.Did you know there are lota of ways to work on their motor skills outside of a doctor’s office setting? I guess this beats him sitting here just watching the ice machine.

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TouchPoints for anxiety

Originally posted 2019-06-12 13:00:34. Have you seen or heard of this product before? Someone left a review and stated that their child, who has autism, used it and it was helpful. I am trying to see if Dusty can use it since he has the VNS (vagal nerve stimulator). Experience for yourself why people reached for TouchPoints over 1 million times last year and how less stress leads to better sleep, performance, and improved living.…

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Another day of parenting

Originally posted 2014-10-14 19:30:12. One of my biggest struggles with my son is his ability to understand that even though he is 21 years old he doesn’t have the mind of a 21 year old. He thinks because he is 21 he should be able to do as he pleases. He is able to see others like his sister who is able to do things that he isn’t. It is a constant struggle with him…

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Autism and what it is in my home

Originally posted 2014-09-05 15:12:24. I recently watched the movie Rainman with Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. I believe this was the first of its kind to show autism on this platform. It showed just how many people even those in the medical field were not aware of it and how much we didn’t know. As I watched it I say so many similarities in Dustin Hoffman’s character, who had autism. Even though it is now…

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Gingerbread Social

Originally posted 2020-01-19 23:10:55. Dusty was invited to a gingerbread party. It was originally planned in December but life got in the way. She decided to postpone it and it ended up two days ago. He thoroughly enjoyed himself. Granted it was mainly girls there but my friend made sure he felt included. He won 2nd place in the gingerbread house contest. He brought it home and started eating the house today. It is now…

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Making 28 more than special

Originally posted 2021-06-10 15:39:06. Hi y’all. Since my mom passed in 2018 my son’s birthday celebrations haven’t been the same. He will be 28 years old this year, on August 15th. I was hoping to make it a little different this year. I wanted to see if I could get him a t-shirt from every state of the United States and maybe even something from a different country. He likes word search books and goes…

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How Do I Grieve? – Grayson, Gold Star Son & Brother

Trigger Warning if you may need it. This is shared with permission. Grayson, the son of a friend of mine who is a Gold Star mom. Her son, Marine Cpl Philip D. McGeath was killed in action 1/18/12. Grayson is speaking on the loss of his brother. Grayson’s words mean more than he knows. I had to share. Grayson, I would without a doubt believe your brother is proud of you and just know he…

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Autism, ADHD – have you heard?

Now first off let me say this, I am not for or against this lawsuit or any for that matter. I saw a partial commercial on tv while watching the witness statements in the Darrell Brooks sentencing. If you haven’t heard of this then that is for an entirely different post. Now, to the point of my post. On a commercial break I was only able to see a portion of the commercial about it.…

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