Originally posted 2018-10-13 11:44:43.
Need a laugh today? To make up for a bad day or week. Can you watch this without laughing? You know those videos that are just magic because you can’t helped but laugh?
It’s funny. We had FEMA come and do their little ”interview” or whatever they call it for your application for disaster assistance. The one guy asked me how I am still able to smile. I don’t know… Of course this isn’t the first person to ask me this. I don’t know I just think a lot of our lives may be bad or not going our way but why live your life feeling everything is gloom and doom? You never learn to just enjoy laughing, smiling, just breathing.
Feeling the little breeze on a hot summer’s day, then the feeling of fall around the corner when you open the door and feel that crisp taste of fall upon your face.
My point, just learn to look at life with a set of positive lenses. Find the good in a bad situation. I know it may seem hard at times but we could all enjoy a bit of positive smiles and laughter. Have a wonderful day!
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