
To say or not to say…

Originally posted 2014-03-26 22:19:52.   In this day and age you are judged instantly online the moment you have a brain and speak. You know you have to think before you speak even more than just in front of someone. The lasting effect of it can have a much more adverse effect than one would think. I met a friend about 5 years ago. She knew nothing of us. We were trying to raise money…

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Originally posted 2020-04-27 09:03:16. Cholesteatoma is a serious but treatable ear condition that can only be diagnosed by medical examination. Persisting earache, ear drainage, ear pressure, hearing loss, dizziness, or facial muscle weakness signals the need for evaluation by an otolaryngologist. My son, Dusty, had this years ago. I admit hearing he had a tumor in between his brain and his ear was a bit jarring. I mean who wouldn’t react that way to hearing the word, tumor?…

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