

I have had my Linkedin account banned/restricted for what they are saying “illegal” items. It’s funny because I got those posts off of Amazon. I do not understand what I did wrong. I am at a loss of what I did wrong. I don’t post any of my Pure Romance items nor do I post anything of the category on my LinkedIn. I agreed to not “violate” their guidelines and before I could even log…

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Who has a mom crush??

Originally posted 2017-05-12 23:44:24. Are you guilty too? I think we all have these moments. You scroll and see someone with gorgeous hair, legs for days, boobs perfectly perky even after having the modern day equivalent of the Brady Bunch. Oh well… we live, we learn, and we LAUGH! Yummm now I want a cupcake  [sce emoji=”cake”/], and I can’t I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.

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Hanging in there, how about you?

Originally posted 2020-07-15 09:00:00. We are hanging in there during this COVID 19, coronavirus, social distancing, start of summer 2020. How about you? I have been trying to social distance from social media in some ways just because there is so much drama that I literally end up with a headache, daily. So I had to back away…slowly. I have been glad to be able to spend time with my bff and family since they…

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