

Originally posted 2021-10-29 17:27:09. Wouldn’t you agree? You have gone through traumatic experiences and now you look at people with reminders. Do they have the potential to end up like the last? Will this end badly? These are words I live by. I admit to not trusting people like I did in my past. Hell… I even helped a lady out in a domestic violence situation and in the end that ended badly for me.…

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This is so true!

Originally posted 2021-10-18 10:00:43. You know this is so true! I have had to swallow this quite a few times. From the rape charges not going anywhere, to the domestic violence protection orders expecting them to actually protect you…. I have wondered way too many times why that “justice” never came. I guess I’ll never really know. It’s one of those things that stays in the back of my mind but I have learned to…

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