6th annual #BuddyWalk 1st #BuddyRun
Originally posted 2017-07-16 22:03:42. https://events.com/r/en_US/registration/dsnoccs-6th-annual-buddy-walk-and-1st-annual-buddy-run-jacksonville-october-99780
Originally posted 2017-07-16 22:03:42. https://events.com/r/en_US/registration/dsnoccs-6th-annual-buddy-walk-and-1st-annual-buddy-run-jacksonville-october-99780
Originally posted 2020-01-19 16:27:46. We need you.Join us.Donate.Wear our merchandise.Share the mission.Follow us. We are taking care of our own. One veteran at a time.https://t.co/nYsRDSAcpz pic.twitter.com/9v4ZQfNlUS — Code of Vets ™ (@codeofvets) January 18, 2020 This is the organization that helped pay for the memorials for CJ and Tey. Their mission is ” We are taking care of our own. One veteran at a time” codeofvets.com