
Wouldn’t have missed it for anything, except maybe Pizza

Originally posted 2016-04-13 19:37:12. There are those events in our lives and the lives of our children that we see as huge milestones and you would do almost anything to make sure you did not miss it. Well for us one of those events was Kayla’s boot camp graduation.We are so enormously proud of her and this accomplishment. Seems her stubborn and bullheadedness actually may have helped her. Glad I didn’t tell her she couldn’t…

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Before you EAS

Originally posted 2019-09-17 16:52:28. If you plan on or didn’t plan on getting out the military there are somethings you need to do. The Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) program allows transitioning service members to file a VA disability compensation claim 180-90 days PRIOR to separation, which allows VA to grant benefits as soon as the day after discharge. This video describes the eligibility requirements and outlines how to file a BDD claim. For more…

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Wisdom-less with laughter

Originally posted 2015-09-19 03:30:34. Let’s see…where did I last leave this? I don’t think I quite remember where I left my purse much less the last post. I guess I could have looked back and see where I left it but …oh well. I am just going to wing it. Well Kayla had to have oral surgery on Wednesday. All four of her wisdom teeth decided to start coming in with a vengeance. Nothing like…

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Share The Mission

Originally posted 2020-01-19 16:27:46. We need you.Join us.Donate.Wear our merchandise.Share the mission.Follow us. We are taking care of our own. One veteran at a time. — Code of Vets ™ (@codeofvets) January 18, 2020 This is the organization that helped pay for the memorials for CJ and Tey. Their mission is ” We are taking care of our own. One veteran at a time”

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