Tag: military caregiver
Title? Think I forgot it too…
Originally posted 2016-08-03 20:48:44. Through my years I have gone through things, done things, put myself in situations I shouldn’t have, gone places I shouldn’t have, yet some things I wish I could speak on. There are some things I honestly want to talk about but I can’t. I am pretty sure there are some of you reading that know what I mean. You know there are some things you don’t think you could ever…
Activities for people with Dementia
Originally posted 2017-07-26 11:07:39. https://www.caring.com/articles/activities-for-people-with-dementia?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=caring
Caregiving: Why change is difficult
Originally posted 2019-07-01 17:27:59. An Excerpt from Leaning Into Sharp Points). Change is analogous to a large boulder balanced on a precipice. It looks like it could tumble off the cliff if just a little pressure were applied. But despite your great effort, it won’t budge. The weight and inertia of the boulder prevent it from moving. And just as with the boulder, inertia prevents us and our loved ones from changing a behavior that’s been…
Originally posted 2018-05-10 16:05:30. Ever needed to brush up some certain skill sets but didn’t have the access to the courses? It is especially hard for certain people that do not have the time much less the access. This is where PsychArmor can bridge that gap. I have taken a few at this point and still working on taking more of the courses offered. No time constraints, no fees, no babysitters, just you and a…