
Title? Think I forgot it too…

Originally posted 2016-08-03 20:48:44. Through my years I have gone through things, done things, put myself in situations I shouldn’t have, gone places I shouldn’t have, yet some things I wish I could speak on. There are some things I honestly want to talk about but I can’t. I am pretty sure there are some of you reading that know what I mean. You know there are some things you don’t think you could ever…

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Dealing with everyday life

Originally posted 2014-04-18 10:58:58. Since my son and I both have multiple health issues it can make some of the seemingly most easiest things turn into something more challenging. Recently having had to explain myself to my biological father as to why I don’t have a full-time job. Without someone else understanding what exactly we are diagnosed with and what each one entails, they cannot fully understand the concept of living like we do. He…

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