
Letting go

Originally posted 2020-10-01 14:18:57. They letting go of the past that hurt you is good for your soul, your overall happiness…  Well what do you do when you are faced with that past every single minute, hour, day, week, month and year of your life? How do you escape that? How do you grow and learn to cope with something that not only harmed you but the lives of your children?

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Emotional forgiveness

Originally posted 2018-04-04 11:36:32. Have you ever seen a movie or video that was fictional but touched you so deeply internally? One that you felt on so many levels? There were so many parts of the movie that you personally felt like it was you they portrayed in the movie? Even if it wasn’t exactly aligned with your own life? For me, that is this movie. I cry tears of pain, anger, love, happiness and…

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