

Originally posted 2018-05-10 16:05:30. Ever needed to brush up some certain skill sets but didn’t have the access to the courses? It is especially hard for certain people that do not have the time much less the access. This is where PsychArmor can bridge that gap. I have taken a few at this point and still working on taking more of the courses offered. No time constraints, no fees, no babysitters, just you and a…

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Originally posted 2017-11-06 17:54:25. The Armed Forces Foundation –  The Armed Forces Foundation is a non profit organization that started in 2010 and is dedicated to providing comfort and solace to members of the military community through financial support, career counseling, housing assistance and recreational therapy programs. Vital programs are offered to active-duty and retired personnel, National Guard, Reserve components, and their loved ones. This website is full of wonderful assistance options for vets/families along with applications for…

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Recovery Time

Originally posted 2020-01-15 09:03:22. This was me yesterday as we were going home. My husband had gone into store to get me some coffee. I needed some, desperately. Surgery was a success. But they found some areas of concern that had “abnormal movement” as was stated by the surgeon to my husband.This will require more surgeries after this one. But first I have to recover from this one. I am trying to rest up today…

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Worried Tears

Originally posted 2020-01-13 18:00:01. I have back surgery in the morning. 5:30am check-in. I could use your prayers. This is my 25th (or 26th I lost count) surgery and I am more nervous about this one than any of them. Maybe it’s me getting older or the fact that I buried my dad Nov 2017, my mom June 2018, my husband’s dog Charlie Feb 2019, & just a couple of weeks ago my nephews CJ…

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The small things

Originally posted 2019-01-02 14:21:44. View this post on Instagram This thing is awesome! Saves me time and a headache!! Don’t get me wrong my son does well when he vaccums but when I have to hear him for over 2 hours and he does areas repeatedly it will give you a headache. This thing is a game changer, a life changer! and it sounds like it is taking off when it empties the bin 😂😂…

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