
Another reason I am thankful this Thanksgiving

Originally posted 2014-11-25 19:50:12. Here it is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving of 2014. I just added another reason to be thankful this Thanksgiving. My husband got into an accident on his way to work yesterday morning. He was on his motorcycle and he was doing the speed limit and where he was I imagine he had to actually decrease his speed for the stop light up ahead of him. The roads were wet as the…

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When one door slams in your face you can’t wait until another opens

Originally posted 2014-05-05 14:03:04. OK, this post will be relevant to some…others not so much. My husband was in the Marine Corps, loved his job, but he wasn’t born a stick figure. There are some people who just are “built” bigger than others. He did his job and did it well. He just needed more exercise than some. So when your so-called “leaders” are more inclined to not PT (exercise) then it hurts others. He didn’t…

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Blessed times 3

Originally posted 2017-01-03 17:21:17. Within the span of the past month and some change it seems it has been non-stop around here. The newest pup, Chewy had his surgery in November to reconstruct his knee/leg in order to stabilize his kneecap. It kept sliding off to the side of his leg and then back to the front. It was seemed to be going ok several weeks after. Other than the fact I had to keep…

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Was it or wasn’t it number 8? Oh well who’s counting.

Originally posted 2015-11-27 15:29:33. You know some days I wish I had magical powers and I was able to solve all or at least most problems like Elizabeth Montgomery on Bewitched BUT then again you wouldn’t be able to learn from situations and gain a different perspective from the experience. We are who we are because of the life we live and the things we’ve gone through. Can you imagine the person you are without…

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