
What we did without, now becomes an almost obsession

Originally posted 2015-07-20 20:11:27. As a single mother I struggled just to keep food on the table. I would make grocery trips with the kids stroller and was always limited to the dollar amount spent and quantity because I could only fit so much in the stroller. Now at one point early on we lived maybe a mile or so from the closest grocery store. So it wasn’t so bad that I am complaining about…

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Originally posted 2021-12-06 11:00:00. Good morning y’all! Southside Market and Barbeque sent us some Sausage Slammers. They were deliciously … different. I mean this in a good way. I don’t think we’ve tasted anything like this before. They almost, I stress almost, remind us of summer sausage. They have cheese and jalapeno in the middle of the bacon wrapped sausage. As you take a bite the juices emerge and the flavor is right behind it.…

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