
Just another day in my life…

Originally posted 2014-03-30 13:02:40. My biological father and my mother divorced when I was two years old.  My father’s side of the family led what seemed to be a privileged life, as least more than the average family. They had those social-lite parties. My grandmother was a RN and my grandfather retired from the Army to work for Goodyear.  I of course wasn’t apart of that lifestyle. My bio’s mother insisted no “cheap store type…

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The Traitor?

Originally posted 2014-03-20 13:54:08. The traitor. That’s the label set upon me because I chose to date out of my race. In the eyes of those that oppose of my relationships I am worse than those who I choose to date. Didn’t deserve the breath God gave me. I am ok with that. I realize I can’t please everyone with my actions. My courage is not one for the history books but it belongs in my…

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Anybody Seen The Calgon? It was supposed to take me away

Originally posted 2015-04-09 19:08:02. Boy oh boy has this past several weeks has been interesting. Got a headache and still have my music drowning me. The music isn’t seeming to bother my headache so I won’t bother it. You know the song by Lindsay Lohan “Confessions of a Broken Heart” ? Parts of me can feel the hurt in that song towards my biological father. Other times I hear those words in my own head.…

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A Woman of Heart

Originally posted 2015-03-24 22:41:33. As I sit here I am overcome with different emotions as to what I have been dealing with the past week. I feel like I am in a made for television movie of Lifetime or some other channel. The picture below is a picture of my biological father. I was contacted last Tuesday by his friend/girlfriend informing me of his condition. He had already been in one facility and was transferred…

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Is this near the end?

Originally posted 2017-11-17 10:06:19. I got a phone call from my bio father’s “girlfriend” just a bit ago. He has been in the hospital for several weeks now. It seems last night he took a turn for the worse. He stopped wanting to eat ~ even if being fed. They are considering a feeding tube. He spiked a fever of 102 and feel that he may have a touch of pneumonia. So they have started…

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July 7th 2014

Originally posted 2014-07-07 18:33:37. You know there are days when I just want to give it all up and others that I can’t get enough. The life I was given I sure has its meanings. I just for once would like not to struggle…just once. I realize there are so many people who have been dealt a bad hand and others don’t even use their own. Some that think mommy and daddy are they forever…

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The truth can be hard to see

Originally posted 2014-05-27 14:15:09. Originally posted May 27 2014 Well it has been almost 2 weeks since my last post. I have been having an enormous amount of discomfort from whatever is going on inside of me. Today I go for an ultrasound. Thank goodness someone finally ordered something I needed. I have just been beyond ready to find out the problem. On the other hand ignorance may be bliss because if it is something…

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