
The fine line between autism and honesty

Originally posted 2016-05-30 19:18:54. Autism… A huge broad term with a lot of variations. I have always wondered if it was just Dusty or do others have the same issues with their autistic child? Dusty has gotten to the point where he will lie about the simplest of things.  It is odd when you have someone who has the cognitive and developmental impairments like Dusty has, yet can pull the wool over your eyes on another.…

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Seeing signs

Originally posted 2015-06-19 13:23:07. I have been reading posts from other domestic violence survivors in support groups. I see myself in so many of the stories I read. The intimidation, manipulation, the “love” the abusers claim they have for their victims. It kills me because as I remember all that I was told and all he claimed I was just so blind and made to believe what he was saying to me was out of…

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