
Making some progress

Originally posted 2020-01-27 17:09:32. It’s now been a couple of weeks since my back surgery. I have definitely made some progress but not as much as I’d like. Sometimes my own pride and determination get in the way and I do too much. Like today, I was looking for some of my replacement parts for my irobot vacuum and know I had them somewhere. So, I started moving this and that. Putting this here and…

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Recovery Time

Originally posted 2020-01-15 09:03:22. This was me yesterday as we were going home. My husband had gone into store to get me some coffee. I needed some, desperately. Surgery was a success. But they found some areas of concern that had “abnormal movement” as was stated by the surgeon to my husband.This will require more surgeries after this one. But first I have to recover from this one. I am trying to rest up today…

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Step 1 of 2

Originally posted 2019-12-18 16:07:11. Went to see the neurosurgeon this morning. My tests results show some instability of the spine on top of a few other issues. Issues that he admitted were complex. First thing we are having to do is do a laminectomy with decompression. Second, at a later date, would be a multi-level spinal fusion. Part of the issue with that would be a single level left in between fusions below and above.…

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