

Originally posted 2021-09-18 09:00:22.

The past month has been a bunch of repeats.

Over and over I go.

It’s been my husband, myself, my son, my best friend and the dogs.

Each of us has had at least one appointment. To tell you the truth it has been more than just one.

From my laser hair removal to massage therapy. To pain management to ear, nose, and throat specialist.

Then our normal primary doctor’s appointments.

Bowie has been to the veterinarian’s twice.

Leia has seen the veterinarian once.

Then we had a last minute appointment for Saoirse who ended up needed medication to help her with incontinence.

Did I mention my bff hurt her hand while she was at work? An airplane cargo door fell on her hand.

So I have been taking her to her doctor’s appointments.

I took my son to a primary care appointment the other day and he ends up having a few small seizures while we were there.

Next week we have 4, so far.

One is for my husband who is finally seeing a gastroenterologist after his unexplained severe upper abdominal pain.

Then I am being referred to an oculoplastic surgeon. My left eye has been giving issues like my right eye.

My tear duct more than likely needs to be bypassed like my right eye.

Did I mention I got a B12 injection?

Ughhh… I’m just tired šŸ˜«.

Hope your week was uneventful.

Hope your weekend is eventful in a good way.

Our plans are to reseal our concrete floor in living and dining room.

Hopefully it goes smoothly!

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